Wisconsin Democrat
Climate Change: Passes legislation to fix
Gun Control: Supports gun control
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports redefining marriage in the constitution
Immigration: Supports DREAMers, against building a wall on the American-Mexican border
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She was the first woman from Wisconsin to be elected to Congress and the nation’s first openly gay senator of any gender.

Tennessee Republican
Climate Change: Rejects the scientific belief in climate change
Gun Control: has an 100% rating from the NRA
LGBTQ+ Rights: Opposes same-sex marriage
Immigration: Supports building a wall on the American-Mexican border
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Life
Voted one of the most idealogical conservatives in the senate in 2019

West Virginia Republican
Climate Change: Rated 17% by conservation voters
Gun Control: Endorsed by the NRA
LGBTQ+ Rights: Rated 30% by HRC
Immigration: Seeks to improve border security
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She was the first female senator in West Virginia and the state's first Republican senator in 56 years.

Washington Democrat
Climate Change: Vocal critique of oil drilling
Gun Control: Supports 2nd Amendment restrictions
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage
Immigration: Seeks to improve border security
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She was the first democrat elected to Washington's 1st District in 40 years.

Illinois Democrat
Climate Change: Supports funding a national energy department
Gun Control: Supports gun-control
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage
Immigration: Supports comprehensive immigration reform
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She was the first woman with a disability elected to Congress and the second Asian American woman in the Senate.

Iowa Rupublican
Climate Change: Rejects the scientific belief in climate change
Gun Control: Supported by NRA
LGBTQ+ Rights: Opposes same-sex marriage
Immigration: Endorses ICE
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Life
She was the first woman to represent Iowa in Congress and the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate.

California Democrat
Climate Change: Rated 100% by conservation voters
Gun Control: Introduced the Federal Assault Weapons Ban
LGBTQ+ Rights: Voted "no" on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage
Immigration: Advocate of the Dream Act and protections for immigrant children
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She was the first female mayor of San Francisco, the first woman elected senator of California and the first woman to serve as a ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Nebraska Republican
Climate Change: Believes in letting people help the climate and quotes an improvement in greenhouse gases
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports the supreme court ruling allowing same-sex marriage
Immigration: Promotes humane treatment of immigrants and wants to strengthen border security
Reproductive Rights: Against later-term abortions
Co-sponsored the English Language Unity Act. She was the first Nebraskan woman elected to a full term in the Senate

New York Democrat
Climate Change: Recognizes climate change and investing in renewable/sustainable technology and reducing fossil fuels
Gun Control: Supports second amendment and background checks to restrict guns
LGBTQ+ Rights: Helped repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Immigration: Helps immigrants gain citizenship, treats immigrants fairly, and supports DACA
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
As a government member, promotes openness by publicizing her meeting schedules, financial forms, and other personal information

California Democrat
Climate Change: Defended a landmark climate change law in California
Gun Control: Supports police and gun law reform
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and equality for same-sex couples
Immigration: Promotes providing relief for immigrants, including COVID-19 treatment
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and promotes access to safe abortions
Prosecuted transnational gangs and is the first South Asian-American senator and Vice President and the first female Vice President

New Hampshire Democrat
Climate Change: Promotes clean energy and increasing knowledge of the existence of climate change
Gun Control: Supports an increase in background checks and banning assault weapons
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and equality for same-sex couples
Immigration: Supports strengthening border control as well as access to technology and medicine for children of immigrants
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She is the second woman in American history to be elected both Governor and United States Senator.

Hawaii Democrat
Climate Change: Believes in climate change and has passed legislation to address it
Gun Control: Supports gun control
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage
Immigration: Supports immigration
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and endorsed by EMILY's list
An immigrant and the first Asian-American female senator and first female senator from Hawaii

Mississippi Republican
Climate Change: Supports conservation of natural resources and opposes the Green New Deal
Gun Control: opposes gun control
LGBTQ+ Rights: Opposes same-sex marriage
Immigration: Supports strengthening border security and enforcing immigration laws
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Life
She is the first woman to represent Mississippi in Congress.

Minnesota Democrat
Climate Change: Recognizes climate change and supports increasing energy efficiency
LGBTQ+ Rights: Opposes conversion therapy, supports allowing a third gender on documents, and endorsed by the Feminist majority
Immigration: Supports immigration and DREAMers
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and supports safe and rare abortions

Nevada Democrat
Climate Change: Recognizes human-caused climate change
Gun Control: Rated F by NRA
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage, cosponsored a bill to protect LGBTQ Americans
Immigration: Supports DREAMers and opposes ICE
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She is the first woman from Nevada in the Senate and the first Latina elected to the US Senate.

Arkansas Republican
Climate Change: Opposes federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions
Gun Control: Opposes gun control
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports marriage equality and transgender people using whichever bathroom they are most comfortable
Immigration: Supports sanctuary cities, a Mexican-American border wall, and DACA
Reproductive Rights: Supports abortions in cases of rape or incest and opposes putting federal funds towards abortions
She is the first Alaskan born Senator.

Washington Democrat
Climate Change: Supports energy and climate policies that protect the environment
Gun Control: Supports gun control and rated F by NRA
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and opposes discrimination based on sexuality and gender identity
Immigration: Supports immigration and working to improve the current system
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and endorsed by EMILY's list
Elected to the Senate in "The Year of the Women"

Nevada Democrat
Climate Change: Supports action on climate change, has passed legislation to address it
Gun Control: Supports gun control
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports LGBTQ+ Americans and received perfect score from HRC
Immigration: Supports immigration DREAMers
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and endorsed by EMILY's list

New Hampshire Democrat
Climate Change: Supports energy efficiency and alternative energy
Gun Control: Supports gun control and background checks
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage (as of 2009)
Immigration: Supports strengthening border security and providing tough and fair citizenship to illegal immigrants
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
First female New Hampshire senator, New Hampshire governor, and elected as both a governor and senator

Arizona Democrat
Climate Change: Supports combatting climate change and doesn't believe Green New Deal is achievable
Gun Control: Supports an increase in gun restrictions
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage
Immigration: Proposed "Operation Safe Return"
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and endorses planned parenthood
First openly bisexual senator and works to address the digital divide

Minnesota Democrat
Climate Change: Works to reduce greenhouse gases
Gun Control: Supports addressing gun violence as a public health issue and supports police reform
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and protection of LGBTQ+ people
Immigration: Supports DREAMers, immigration fairness, and reuniting families
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
Promotes protection of indigenous peoples

Michigan Democrat
Climate Change: Supports protection of the Great Lakes and the environment
Gun Control: Supports gun violence protection programs
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and equality for same-sex couples
Immigration: Supports immigration
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice and co-sponsored many bills in support of abortion
First female senator from Michigan

Massachusetts Democrat
Climate Change: Supports the Green New Deal and holding big companies accountable for their climate risks
Gun Control: Opposes assault weapons and supports background checks and treating gun violence as a public health issue
LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and equality for same-sex couples
Immigration: Supports immigrant families and their rights
Reproductive Rights: Pro-Choice
She is the first woman from Massachusetts elected to the Senate.